Saturday 6 April 2019


The above images are of The Chase Vault
  • The mystery associated with the "The Chase Vault" or famously known as "The Moving Coffins Of Barbados" is a strange one.
  • The Chase Vault is a burial vault in the cemetery of the Christ Church Parish Church in Oistins, Christ Church, Barbados.
  • The vault was built in 1742 but was purchased by the Chase family when their daughter Mary Ann Chase died at the age of 2 in 1808. When the vault was opened to bury Mary Ann Chase there was however a coffin of Mrs. Goddard who died in 1807 and was buried in the same year. Mary Ann Chase's coffin was made up of lead and that of Mrs. Goddard was made up of wood. The second daughter and sister of Mary Ann Chase whose name was Dorcas Chase died in 1812. She was buried next to her sister's coffin. In late 1812 the father of the two daughters whose name was Thomas Chase died. Both the coffins of Dorcas and Thomas were made up of lead.
  • When the vault was opened for the burial of Thomas the previous coffins of Ann and Dorcas were tossed from their original position. The coffins were arranged back to their position and Thomas's coffin was laid down and the vault was closed.
  • An infant named Samuel Brewster Ames died in year 1816. When the vault was opened to bury Samuel's coffin it was found that the previous coffins were again tossed from their original position. Thomas's coffin was head-down leaning against the wall. The coffins were properly stacked and the vault was closed once again.
  • 2 months later Adult Samuel Brewster Ames died and was laid to rest. When the vault was opened it was again found in disarray.
  • In 1819 when Thomasina Clark died she was laid to rest. When the vault was opened the conditions were the same. The coffins were once again tossed from their original position. Thomasina was the last occupant of that vault. The officials took notice and got serious about this strange business.
  • The vault was inspected and it was found to be solid with no secret passages. The governor of Barbados in that year whose name was Lord Combermere looked into the matter. He ordered to put sand at the entrance of the vault for identifying any footprints. To further seal the vault a marble slab was placed. To lift this slab minimum 6-8 people were required. To check the integrity of the contents inside, the vault was reopened in the following year i.e. 1820. The coffins were once again found in disarray tossed from their original position.
  • Finally the coffins were removed and were buried somewhere else. The vault was left open and is open till this day.
  • What's even more bizarre about this case is that all coffins were tossed from their position except for Mrs. Goddard's wooden coffin which didn't move an inch.
  • The case only happened in one vault. This type of strange matter was never seen in any vault on that island in that year.
  • What are your views as for this matter??
  • Is this a paranormal activity or some natural cause??
Comment below.
Thank you!!

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The above images are of The Chase Vault The mystery associated with the " The Chase Vault" or famously known as " Th...